7. Creating multilingual posts

Siemens Blog offers multilingual posts for all available UI languages: English, German, French, and Spanish. A language dropdown allows the user to switch between different language versions of the article.

Note: it is only possible to translate the post content, not the post headline.

Create a multilingual article

  1. Click on the burger menu.
  2. Click Create Content.
  3. Select an audience and click Next step.
  4. Select the template Article and click Use this template.
  5. Select a topic and click Create post to start writing.

Add the headline

Enter the headline.

Add the translation block

  1. Click on Add block
  2. Click on Translation
  3. Select Show to e.g. English Users
  4. Enter the English version of the article within the translation block

Now, you can add another language version of your article, e.g. in German.

  1. Click on Add block
  2. Click on Translation
  3. Select Show to German Users
  4. Enter the German version of the article within the translation block