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Inspirations from GLOW: Self Care in the New Normal Connecting. Supporting. Empowering
What we’re Reading
Rushing Woman Syndrome: The Impact of a Never-Ending To-Do List and How to Stay Healthy in Today’s Busy World by Dr. Libby Weave
Rushing Woman’s Syndrome describes the biochemical emotional effects of constantly being in a rush and the health consequences that urgency elicits.
It doesn’t seem to matter if a woman has two things to do in her day or two hundred, she is in a pressing rush to do it all. Often, she is running herself ragged in a daily battle to keep up. There’s always so much to do, she rarely feels like she ahead of the game, there is always so much to do. In fact, her deep desire to control even the smaller details of life can leave her feeling out of control.
At times she feels like she can’t cope, whether she admits it out loud or keeps it all inside, which add to the knot sensation in her stomach. She is fortunate if her sex hormones are balanced. Most women in this state suffer terribly with their periods and women who go into menopause in this state usually find it debilitating.
Dr Libby combines two decades of personal experience, fourteen years of university and thirteen years of clinical experience in her unique conversational style offer real solutions to both the biochemistry and the emotional patterns of the rush.
Time Balancing Hack: Creating Time for Yourself, Your Family, and Your Work.
For most of us, time feels stranger than normal right now. The schedules, routines, and commutes which previously dictated how most hours of our days were spent, have nearly all vanished. According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, time only exists where there is mass in motion. Most of us have “moved our personal masses” far less lately than we were previously accustomed too. Which is why maybe, time feels so strange. The rotation of the earth, seemingly unaffected by the pandemic, provides the familiar hours of daylight and night to help us relearn how to mark time. As apparently it wasn’t our continually hustle/bustle movement that made the world spin and time occur. We’re having to relearn how to be intentional with our time in this new normal.
To be more intentional, some team members have begun to use their time on the weekends to meal prep and cook food to use as their meals during the following week. Making enough food to freeze for later meals not only helps eliminates food waste, but also allows you to spend time doing other important things.
Unsure of where to start? Here are a few recipe ideas!
– Potato Sausage Soup
– Honey Salmon
– Butter Chicken
Have a recipe you love? Share it with us!
Nourishing Ourselves
We’ve had to add things to our lives to replace the nourishment we normally got from social interaction with others. Staying connected to what you love is important. Find yourself longing to share an in-person meal with a friend or co-worker?
- Try scheduling Virtual Coffee Breaks or Lunches.
- Missing group classes at a studio/gym? Try in home/online Yoga, Qi Gong, or Meditation sessions to help clear your mind and refocus.
- Aching to let your inner artist out? Consider joining an online knitting group. #picturesplease
The healthier you are, the better you will perform, whether you’re at work or at home. Share with us how you’ve been nourishing!
Time 4 Me
Taking time for yourself is vital to staying healthy, physically and mentally. Here’s how a few team members have carved time out for themselves:
- Use the Outlook online functionality to directly reject meetings scheduled when you have planned vacation/breaks. This allows you to be intentional with your time and energy while focusing on a specific task.
- Set up phone alerts to remind you to take intentional breaks throughout the day. For example, set a 10-minute timer after your morning meeting to regroup, as well as after lunch. Assess your headspace, refocus and fill your “energy bucket” up.
- Listen to audio books or podcasts while taking a walk at night once the kids are in bed
Time 4 Kids
Toys are important for imagination and growth but having too many options can make a child feel overwhelmed and prompt disengagement. Consider hiding some toys and then re-revealing them daily so your children can relish in the enjoyment of a “new” toy.
Check out this website and let your imagination run wild! Here you’ll find inspiration for dramatic play to do with your children. Dramatic play is rich with developmental, physical, and social-emotional benefits for children of all ages — with no assembly required.
Dramatic play represents fantasy as well as known or anticipated situations. Spark your child’s imagination with simple games that create opportunities for family fun and hone critical thinking and problem-solving skills too.
Share with us your Self-Care Hacks, Tips & Tricks here and see them in a future ‘Self Care in the NewNormal’ posting.
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